
Love Changes Everything - Sarah Brightman


*miracle of the voice*(声乐之魅) 之
(Love Changes Everything)

Love, love changes everything
Hands and faces, earth and sky
Love, love changes everything
How you live and how you die
Love can make the summer fly
Or a night seems like a lifetime
Yes love, love changes everything
Now I tremble at your name
Nothing in the world will ever be the same
每双纤手 每张面孔 脚下泥土 头顶天空
踌躇而生 无憾而终
悠长夏日 消逝如风
美妙夜晚 绵延隽永
是的 爱会改变一切
你的名字 让我悸动
世间情感 孰与汝同 

Love. love changes everything
Days are longer, words mean more
Love, love changes everything
Pain is deeper than before
Love will turn your world around
And that world will last forever
Yes love, love changes everything
Brings you glory, brings you shame
Nothing in the world will ever be the same
昼日愈长 誓言愈浓
眷之愈深 感之愈痛
爱会改变 日月苍穹
惟有世界 在你手中
是的 爱会改变一切
遗你落寂 予你光荣
世间情感 孰与汝同

Off into the world we go
Planning futures, shaping years
Love bursts in and suddenly
All our wisdom disappears
Love makes fools of everyone
All the rules we make are broken
Yes love, love changes everything
Live or perish in its flame
Love will never never let you be the same
Love will never never let you be the same
蹉跎岁月 编织宏梦
当爱降临 如此匆匆
智商清零 言听计从
所有法则 瞬间无用
圣贤大儒 亦入平庸
是的 爱会改变一切
生存毁灭 只于稍纵
爱会让你 与众不同
爱会让你 与众不同

歌词中文意译--古水,文字版权 © 古水,任何个人或音乐网站不得于站内转用或于站外盗用,违者法办! 

        《爱情面面观》(Aspects of Love)是安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber 1948.3.22- )完成并首演于1989年的一部音乐剧作品,取材自大卫·加内特(David Garnett 1892.3.9-1981.2.17)1955年的同名小说,剧本由Don Black与Charles Hart完成,Trevor Nunn任首创导演,次年进军百老汇舞台。全剧以多层次人物关系表现了当代社会中各种形式的爱--恋人间的、长幼间的;伦理中的,道德外的;异性间的、同性间的......剧中男主角Alex Dillingham的著名唱段「Love Changes Everything」已然超越了该剧本身的知名度,被灌录成各种单曲版本,从原唱的Michael Ball版、Jonathan Antoine版、Sarah Brightman版到II Divo、Hayley Westenra版,皆是入耳动情之篇!

